
My biography

Giorgio Fabbri was born in Bologna in 1939. After having obteined the license of Maturitā classica, he's being studying law for two years in the Universitā degli studi di Bologna and in the same time, graphics in the "Severo Pozzati graphic art school".

In the 1961 he was hired by Young & Rubicam Milano, here he worked for two years as an art director, then in Norman Craig & Kummel, leaving a stage of four months in New York City..

After a parenthesis in  London where he produced as a free lance for Mc Cam Erickson an experimental spot for Gillette International,  Giorgio started with a partner in Milano, his own company called Focus Advertising. In 1992 he moved to Gallipoli in the south of Italy, where he entirely dedicated himself to the production of portraits on canvas for italian, parisian and english clients.

Giorgio Fabbri (who signes himself Faber) prefers to paint portraits with clothes of other centuries, becouse he thinks that in old times the ways of dressing was more pictorial and also more gratifying for the person. But, if required, he can paint contemporary clothes, or even nudes.